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07-07-2021 ~ Mojo Digital

What is responsive web design

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What is Responsive Web Design Cyprus?

A responsive website design is the web design which is based on the individual device being used for viewing a website. It could either be a mobile, tablet or desktop to name a few. Responsive web design is in essence the infrastructure of a website, which reacts to the size of the device it is opened in and can be fluid and flexible in terms of layout and will reflect its screen size by adjusting accordingly. In simple terms, your website will look amazing and work flawlessly on all mobile, tablet and desktop browsers.

Why is responsive website design really important?

For starters, it increases your market. You can automatically reach users and potential customers on smaller devices. We live in a mobile first world today, where people prefer smaller devices like smartphones and tablets.
You show consistency to your users when they access a website on any device. All your website pages are optimized for smartphones, which will eventually boost conversions and increase your lead generation funnel.

Ever dream of ranking high on Google? Take the mobile first approach. Tip of the day!

Improve your user experience

One of the most important thing for website owners is user experience. You not only want people to like your site, you want them to love it. Your website should be super easy to navigate through. On mobile, it should load lightning fast and have awesome image resolution. Considering responsive web design can be very convincing on behalf of your company and its potential customers.

A Responsive Website Improves Your SEO Rankings, making Google your .. bish.

It's a proven fact. Responsive websites have a bigger chance of ranking higher on search engines like Google. Content is king. Paired with a responsive website, you are likely to rank much higher.

Google highly recommends a responsive website design structure.

Our expert team in Cyprus loves focusing on the UIUX, web design and web development aspects of small SMEs, big companies, startups and entrepreneurs as we see the immediate impact our website techniques have. Big smiles!

To conclude, ensuring you have a responsive website can save you lots of maintenance time and money, as well as also help you retain and convert clients in the long haul. Take the tip of the day - A mobile first design approach is loved and approved by Google. As developers, we love Tailwind, and it's our number one, mobile-first responsive coding approach.